CST 338 Weekly Journal #7/8

 Weekly Journal

This semester has really gone by in a blink of an eye and when I look back at HW1, I can see just how far I’ve really come in my progression within this class. First, I felt like I struggled a little with understanding basic concepts like class structure, access modifiers, and testing. I think if I were to approach HW1 now, I would be more confident in doing it and have less confusion with a lot of other things like knowing how to design clean and efficient code while also implementing tests. In addition, things that once felt overwhelming, aren't really as challenging, and I feel much more equipped to handle complex challenges. One of my biggest victories has been completing the unit testing which I found hard and confusing at first. I now confidently write meaningful tests, analyze edge cases, and ensure my code performs as expected. Furthermore, another key area of growth has been understanding and applying object-oriented programming principles. All in all, I’m proud of how much I’ve improved in areas like extending classes, using UML diagrams, and Java libraries to write reusable and efficient code. This was a fun class to learn and I had a wonderful experience in it. I’ve grown tremendously as a programmer and am excited to apply these skills to bigger things in the near future


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