CST 300 Weekly Journal #4

My Educational Goals

As of right now, my educational goals are to finish my degree and better my learning experience by using resources at CSUMB to prepare myself for when I graduate. Furthermore, I would like to be successful in this class and get all that I can out of it. I want to end this class with a high B or A+ so I will try to keep bettering my time management skills.

My Career Goals

During the readings for the modules this week helped me have a different mindset on what I should do and need to do in order to fulfill my career goals. One of them would be preparing myself while I'm at CSUMB and looking for some internships or free resources that CSUMB may have. I know that the tech industry is a challenging field to get into and that is why I want to try and be a step ahead of the competition and succeed when I'm done at CSUMB.

Percentile of the ETS Computer Science test

After doing the pre-test for the ETS Computer Science test and looking through all of it I feel like I'd be in a good percentile. I know its 18 months away, but time is gonna fly by in a matter of minutes before I know it, but I'm prepared and looking forward to it.

OLI Module #4 & #5

This week in the OLI module we took two of them and I have to say it helped a lot. I was able to understand my team more and the way each one of us thinks and prepares for assignments, studying, and time management. We also did a few team exercises that I feel brought us closer to getting to know one another. This week was a little more challenging and it was to be expected because the work is getting harder and the harder it gets the more effort and time it's gonna take so I just need to prepare more I feel like.


  1. Hello Danny,
    Your educational goal is the same as mine, and probably the majority of our cohort’s. It is good that you gave yourself the smaller goal of getting an A or a B in this current class CST – 300 and you will achieve that by improving your time management skills. I believe you will get more out of your goal by applying the SMART method. You want your goal to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, I want to get a Computer Science bachelor’s degree from California State University Monterey Bay by December 2025.
    For your career goal, you might want to set a bigger goal some distance in the future so you can break it up into smaller achievable goals. A good goal for a career would have what specific job you would want to be doing and the time frame in which you plan to achieve that goal.

  2. Hi Danny,

    I enjoyed reading your post about your educational and career goals. It’s great that you want to continue improving your time management skills, as I think it will be beneficial for your education and future career. Some similar goals we share are doing well in our courses and obtaining an internship position while attending CSUMB. I think it will be useful in gaining experience in order to prepare for entering the workforce after graduation. I would recommend looking into what positions you may be interested in, and utilizing LinkedIn and other networking opportunities in order to begin applying to internships when you are ready!


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