CST 300 Weekly Journal #8

Part 1: Review Other Teams' final video projects

Stack Otter Flow

1. Is the topic well covered? 

Yes, it covers all topics

2. Is the presentation clear?

Presentation is clear

3. How is the quality of the research?

The quality of research is good

4. How is the quality of the video production?

Quality of production good

5. Is the video engaging and interesting?

Very engaging and interesting

6. Is the teamwork evident?

Teamwork is clear and evident

7. Is the video appropriate to the audience (either general public or technology professionals)

Appropriate for all attended audiences

Super 4 Web Solutions


1. is the topic well covered?

     Yes, topis is covered

2. is the presentation clear?

    Presentation is clear

3. how is the quality of the research?

    The quality of the research is good had a lot of information

4. how is the quality of the video production?

    Quality was okay but could be improved

5. is the video engaging and interesting?

    The video is engaging and interesting

6. is the teamwork evident?

    Yes, teamwork is shown by split-up sections that everyone contributed on

7. is the video appropriate to the audience (either general public or technology professionals)

    Yes, it got to the point in both videos

Bit of Otter


1. is the topic well covered?

     Yes, the topic is covered thoroughly

2. is the presentation clear?

    Yes the presentation is clear

3. how is the quality of the research?

    Good quality of research and great facts

4. how is the quality of the video production?

    The quality of video production is good but needs a little improvement

5. is the video engaging and interesting?

    Video is engaging for the attended audience

6. is the teamwork evident?

    Teamwork is shown throughout the video

7. is the video appropriate to the audience (either general public or technology professionals)

    Video is appropriate for all required audience

Part 2: Keep Up With Your Learning Journal


In this class, I've learned many things. A few things I learned were time management, working as a team, and being organized. Overall, I felt like my team communicated with each other really well and that we scheduled meetings fairly and reasonably for each other. One thing I would change is probably collaborating sooner to get more of the work done. 


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