CST 300 Weekly Journal #5

 Part One: Support and Comment on Teammates' Goals

I commented on Lia and Juan post.

Part Two: Possible Capstone Ideas

 A few capstone ideas I liked were the Stuff Ride and the Recipe Recommendation. They were pretty cool because the Stuff Ride capstone idea aims to connect individuals requiring transportation for items with those willing and able to transport them. While the Recipe Recommendation recommends certain recipes to you depending on what you have at your house. I found these would be very convenient and fun to use everyday.

 Part Three: Keep Up With Your Learning Journal

I recently learned more about ethical argument writing. It seemed a little confusing at first, but the more I read the more I understood it. I still need to learn a little bit more about it because I tend to stray from the ethical part when writing and also turn my writing into something biased and less factual. Furthermore, I learned about fallacies and how many fallacies there are was really interesting to learn and find out about.

OLI Module 6 and Module 7

 This week's Module 6 was very informative. Going into the modules I saw that it was based on the aspect of identifying and managing conflicts with a focus on strategic approaches. It showed information on a video featuring teammates Kurt and Freda in a disagreement that eventually turned into a conflict. Then, Freda expressed concern about the platform's levelness, utilizing an app for accurate measurements, then other group members started disagreeing with things as well and it kept getting worse. Eventually, tensions rose and ultimately, an unnoticed piece of wood beneath the platform led to the incorrect measurement. Furthermore, Module 7 provided a more in-depth exploration of employing conflict styles such as avoiding and forcing things strategically. The module gave a great understanding of how things should work out by presenting a few scenarios where participants had to choose the most effective approach to address the conflict. 


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